Suhrawardi and the Philosophy of Light

Suhrawardi and the Philosophy of Light

“The third class of the followers of Hermes were the Illuminationists, the descendants of Hermes’ sister.” -Ibn Wahshiya, Ancient Alphabets Islamic scholars faced confusion regarding Hermes Trismegistus. While recognizing his significance through attributed books on alchemy, astrology, and ethics, contradictory historical accounts and the enigmatic titles “Hermes” and “Trismegistus” led to multiple, conflicting interpretations of…

Exploring the Creation and Essence of the Cosmos in the Corpus Hermeticum

Exploring the Creation and Essence of the Cosmos in the Corpus Hermeticum

In contemplating the concept of God as an eternal creator, one is inevitably confronted with the apparent paradox arising from the scientific understanding that our universe has a definite beginning. How do we reconcile the hermetic concept of a timeless, ever-creating God with the temporal constraints suggested by contemporary scientific cosmology? If there is indeed…

11 differences between Gnosticism and Hermeticism

11 differences between Gnosticism and Hermeticism

Two new religious-philosophical movements emerged in late antiquity: Gnosticism and Hermeticism. And while they have many similarities in their beliefs, they are also quite different. What is Gnosticism? Historically, Gnosticism did not exist as it is used in modern times. Some modern Christian groups use the term “Gnostics” to refer to secret or esoteric groups…

WitchTok and Memes: Exploring the Hermetic Currents of Internet Magick

WitchTok and Memes: Exploring the Hermetic Currents of Internet Magick

Deep within TikTok’s intricate labyrinth, a cohort of teenage occultists, known as ‘manifesting’ influencers, claims the power to transform lives through focus, positive thinking, and desire. This modern fascination with manifesting is not confined to TikTok but permeates wellness and spirituality subcultures on social media. Beyond a fleeting trend, it reflects a broader intersection of…