Mystic Egyptian Polytheism: A Guide for Beginners is now available

Mystic Egyptian Polytheism introduces Egyptian polytheistic practice with elements of late antique mysticism. This guide covers core terms and ideas, philosophical and religious principles, daily rites, and how to “ritualize” your activities to benefit the soul. It also lays out recommendations for a simple daily prayer schedule, making creating a praxis straightforward and accessible.

As it relates to Classical Hermeticism, this book also features what I call the “Silent Prayer,” which is based, in part, on the passages dealing with “silence” in the Hermetica.

“The “Silent Prayer” is a silent, meditative prayer derived from the concept of silence in the Hermetica, which aims to emulate or mimic the ineffable nature of the “One,” or divine unity. It involves visualizing aspects of a central deity, repeating the deity’s name or epithets along with an “elevating phrase,” and incorporating a physical movement or tactile engagement to affect an emotional, intuitive, or otherwise experiential result.
This prayer aims to strengthen your connection with God and refocus yourself upon the divine—away from the material. It can also help unlock and progress your powers of spiritual intuition and sensibility.

The only thing required is a clean or empty room in as quiet a setting as possible. I also change into specific clothes I reserve for prayer: a robe, head-covering, and blindfold. Special clothing for worship should be loose-fitting, so you can move more efficiently without interrupting your prayer. The Hermetica prescribes that this is done with no material offering. No incense, music, poems, additional prayers, food offerings, or religious offerings of any kind—just you, alone, in silence. If you are performing this prayer near a religious altar, I recommend facing away from it.

This “Silent Prayer” is something I derived principally from the Corpus Hermeticum Books I, X, XI, and XIII, the Perfect Sermon, the Stobaean Fragments, and the Definitions of Hermes Trismegistus to Asclepius. These Hermetic texts reference a “divine” or “sacred” silence. In addition, I took inspiration from Iamblichus’ On the Mysteries, Books I, VII, and VIII, where he says that “all superior beings rejoice in the efforts of their inferiors to imitate them.” We should aspire to achieve “identity with the primal entities in form and essence” and that the highest principles should be “worshipped by means of silence alone.”

If you’re interested in reading more about how you can incorporate Classical Hermeticism into an Egyptian polytheistic practice, please consider reading Mystic Egyptian Polytheism. You can find it online for free, or in a high-quality hardcover with a dust jacket on Blurb.

Order the book

Mystic Egyptian Polytheism can be ordered in different formats:

Size: 6×9 in, 15×23 cm
# of Pages: 62
Publish date: June 17, 2023
Language: English

The website

The Mystic Egyptian Polytheism website is up and running. Many pages have relevant YouTube videos linked, as well as relevant images to accompany excerpts from the book.


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